OmaRPG title
  • Catch pokemon. Spin stops to keep your stock of balls. Level up with xp gains. Collect gym badges! Challenge Team Rocket!

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Gaining XP
  • Spin stops: Each spin of a stop will give you 100xp. o!spinstop
  • Catch pokemon: Each catch will give you 100xp. o!catch
  • Dex entries: When you catch a pokemon for the first time, you gain 500xp. It is recorded in your pokedex, which you can take a look at with o!region
  • Quest completion: Most quests reward xp. o!quests
  • Defeat Gym Leaders: The first time you defeat a gym leader, you get the badge and a big chunk of xp. o!gymbadges
  • The buddy system: Assign a buddy early on, it will benefit from all the actions/commands you perform on the bot. You can switch your buddy anytime. o!buddy
  • Daily streak spinstop: The longer your daily spin streak, the more xp you gain.
  • Daily streak catch: The longer your daily catch streak, the more xp you gain.
  • Raiding: Raid with fellow trainers and obtain the xp gains, along with the possibility to capture the raid boss.
  • Team Rocket Encounters: Defeat Team Rocket encounters and get the rewards.

Gaining XP Mechanics
Most actions that give you XP, will do the following:
  • Increase your player xp.
  • Increase your buddy xp.
  • Increase your capsuledXp amount. capsuledXp is for investing in your pokemon to level them up using command o!xpboost.
    With the town feature addition, capsuledXp can also be used to level up your town buldings.

Assign a buddy early on so that it can benefit from your xp gains. o!buddy You can assign another buddy at any time.
Capsuled xp is a reserve of xp you have that you can invest on pokemon to increase their level. Read up on command o!xpboost

Pokemon Inventory
At the beginning of your journey, your pokemon inventory consists of 10 slots. This means you can only keep 10 pokemon with you. This inventory limit will increase as you progress in your journey. The first action to get you more pokemon slots is obtaining the Boulder Badge. For this, you need to defeat Brock.

There is a lot of releasing of pokemon in this game.

There is also a PC mechanic where you can upload pokemon to. You can also download pokemon from your PC.
Check out o!pc-inbox   o!pc-upload and o!pc-download
This PC can hold 96 pokemon, with 2 known increases. When you catch 5000 pokemon, the PC capacity increases to 120, and when you catch 10,000 pokemon, then it increases to 144.

QuadBox When you reach 15,000 catches, your pc-quadbox will be unlocked. The commands for this box are o!pc-quadbox   o!pc-upload-quadbox and o!pc-download-quadbox

Shiny box There is a box in your PC to store shiny pokemon. The limit on this box is 1000.
The commands for interacting with this box are: o!pc-shiny   o!pc-uploadShiny and o!pc-downloadShiny

Maxed There is a box in your PC to store pokemon that have reached level 40.
The commands for interacting with this box are: o!pc-maxed   o!pc-uploadMaxed and o!pc-downloadMaxed
 Max level was raised from 40 to 50, but this box will be kept as is.

Catch those wild pokemon!
Wild pokemon have individual values (IVs) and moves. When in the wild, they do not have a specific xp value. Their xp is assigned at the time of catch. This way the xp will be relative to the xp of the trainer that catches the pokemon.

When you catch a pokemon, it will be assigned a random xp between 0 and the xp for the level your current trainer has, minus 1.

If you are a trainer level 10, this means:

pokemonXp = randomBetween 0 and xp needed to reach level 9
pokemonXp = randomBetween 0 and 45,000
  • As you become a more experienced trainer, your catches also have the potential to be of higher level.

Level xp
Level xp follows the same amounts as PokemonGO.